Salem After Dark

Salem Main


Beth Bathory allowed as many Brujah as there were Tremere and worked closely with the clan. Malachi did not like Elvira’s attempts to lower his clan’s population in Salem to the five she has allowed the other clans. He secretly kept to the number of Tremere until Sarah Hamilton's embrace, when many of them were destroyed. One of his clanmates were killed in a Sabbat invasion, and Malachi himself was killed not long afterward, along with his last remaining childer. Gwenyth and Blacky are the only remaining Brujah in the city, with the clan's hold on the docks faltering now that their numbers have dwindled.


Gweneth Brooks - Brujah Primogen - Gweneth Brooks was made primogen when her predecessor, Malachi, was killed by the prince, Elvira Van Dorn. Gweneth is doing her best to live by Elvira's rules, although sometimes it isn't easy.
Born: 1871
Embraced: 1898
Sire: Darla Sterns
Childer: Blacky, Noah James (FD 1999)
Ghouls: Fawn, Gary
Owns: David's Bar

Blacky - Brujah Born: 1909
Embraced: 1929
Sire: Gweneth Brooks
Childer: Rhonda Keeney (FD 1997)
Ghouls: Noah


Fawn - Brujah Ghoul Fawn's family was killed by a horrible illness and was dying herself when Gweneth discovered her and fed her vitae. When Joseph Edwards came to town, he and Cordelia Chase began taking her to places normal children went, the park, and other places. Since Joseph's embrace, Cordelia has continued those excursions.
Domitor: Gweneth Brooks

Gary - Brujah Ghoul Domitor: Gweneth Brooks
Owns: Gary's Army Surplus

Aaron Byrd