Flint After Dark



Maximilian Drake - Toreador Primogen Maximilian Drake was a well known but unrespected pianist in Boston. After his embrace he traveled Europe and studied with the great musicians of the time. Bored with Europe, he moved to the New World. He settled in Flint after first hearing the Flint Symphony orchestra. Knowing that he was better than the Primogen, or any other Toreador in town, he quickly took over and replaced his clanmates with those of his own lineage.
Born: 1712
Embraced: 1752
Childer: Timothy Dalton, Reanne
Ghouls: Zeke Andrews, Malinda

Timothy Dalton - Toreador Timothy Dalton is a semi-famous artist.
Born: 1764
Embraced: 1798
Sire: Maximilian Drake
Childer: Thomas Dalton

Thomas Dalton - Toreador Thomas Dalton plays the drums.
Born: 1764
Embraced: 1798
Sire: Timothy Dalton
Owns: Dalton Music Store

Reanne - Toreador Reanne - Harpy
Born: 1812
Embraced: 1838
Sire: Maximilian Drake
Childer: Jarrell
Ghouls: Fred McCLare

Jarell - Toreador Born: 1928
Embraced: 1947
Sire: Reanne
Ghouls: Kincaid

Natalie Watson - Toreador For more information on Natalie Watson, please click on her picture.

Born: 1914
Embraced: 1952

Julia Fairfax - Toreador Julia Fairfax had a normal life once, a home, family, and husband who loved her. Then she was attacked by a vampire and left for dead. When her brother-in-law found her, she was starving and attacked him. Her husband managed to pull her off, and fed her himself until she could regain control Of herself. Julia believed her dreams of having a family were over until one night a few years after her embrace she found out she was pregnant. In order to give her child a chance at a normal life, Julia sent her family away, and stayed in Nashville. She was reunited with her family in 1991.
Born: 1954
Embraced: 1971
Child: Belle Fairfax


Belle Fairfax - Dhampyr Belle is Julia Fairfax's daughter.

For more information about Belle, please click on her picture


Zeke Andrews
Zeke Andrews is a DJ at a local radio station.
Domitor: Maximilian Drake

Malinda is a flutist with the Flint Orchestra.
Domitor: Maximilian Drake

Fred McClare
Fred McClare is the bass player of a local bar band, the Mustangs.
Domitor: Reanne

Kincaid is a bartender at the Crucible.
Domitor: Jarell