Detroit After Dark



Paul Racine - Toreador Primogen - Paul Racine came to America not long after it became a country. He had known Ferdinand Marselle in Europe and settled with him in Detroit, eventually becoming the Toreador Primogen.

For information about Paul Racine, pleas click on his picture.

Sire: Kinjo (Japan)
Childe: Joan Lu, Misha Chen

Nancy - Toreador Nancy Martin is one of the few Harpies in Detroit. In a town this given to business there is little need of several, but the few they have fill their positions very well. Nancy is the only 'Childe' of Sean Gains, the head of the Harpies. Where he is more traditional, she prefers the company of those more lively and less socially acceptable. Although she is a very well established business woman, and social critic, she still finds time to party as her Clan is given to do. Nancy has become friends with Isa Quintinilla.

Sire: Sean Gains

Joan Chen - Toreador Joan Lu was the co-owner of the Zombie Zoo, but she was killed in a car explosion in 2003.

Final Death: 2003
Sire: Paul Racine
Childe: Dayna Kelly (Seattle)

Sean Gaines - Toreador Bryan Matthews - Toreador Brent Andrews - Toreador Sherie Austin - Toreador Cyril Chernoff - Toreador Misha Chen - Toreador
