Carla Cordelone - Ventrue

Background | Allies | Gallery | Fiction | Music | City

Carla: Plastic!Descent Cast

Carla Blair-Cordelone - Mortal Carla Blair came to Las Vegas after her mother died in order to learn more about her father.

While this is the original doll used for Plastic!Carla in Episode 1, due to wardrobe and flexibility requirements, Plastic!Carla was changed to the doll below.
Carla Blair-Cordelone - Mortal Due to wardrobe and flexibility requirements, this is the doll used for Plastic!Carla from Episode 2 onward.

For more information about Carla Cordelone, please click on her picture.

Donna Matthews - Mortal Donna Matthews was a friend of Carla's mother, and is a dancer at the Flamingo.

Cross Cordelone - Mortal Cross Cordelone is the owner of several hotels in Las Vegas, and the head of the Cordelone Crime family. He is also Carla's brother.

For more information about Cross Cordelone, please click on his picture.

Mark Donovan Mark Donovan met Carla through a business transaction and the two dated for some time.

Paulie Cordelone - Mortal Paulie Cordelone is a member of the Cordelone Crime family, and works for Cross.

Jora - Nosferatu Jora is a member of the Nosferatu Clan of Las Vegas, and was Mark Donovan's... employer.

For more information about Jora, please click on her picture.

Luchiano Goon 1 This is one of the Luchiano goons that work for Nick Smitts

Luchiano Goon 2 This is another of the Luchiano goons that work for Nick Smitts

Nick Smitts - Luchiano Nick Smitts is the heir of the Luchiano Crime family in Las Vegas.

For more information about Nick Smitts, please click on her picture.

Luchiano Maid This is a maid that works for the Luchiano family.

Donny Cordelone Donny Cordelone is a member of the Cordelone Crime family, and works for Cross.

For more information about Donny, please click on his picture.

For questions regarding Carla Cordelone, please contact the author.
Note: Some fiction contains explicit content and is not meant for children under the age of seventeen.